Monday, November 12, 2012

Chapter 12, Maintaining a Healthy Lifestyle, Nov 12-18

Chapter 12 contains health information for college students in the areas of nutrition, avoiding addictions, protection from disease, getting enough sleep and dealing with stress. It is based on the premise that we will be living longer in the 21st Century. Also a college education is a big investment and it is important to enjoy it over a long lifetime. Here are some ideas for discussion. You can also add any topic related to health or college and career success. You can make one comment of 200 words or two comments of 100 words each. 

These facts are well known: 

•         Smoking causes lung cancer.
•         One out of three Americans is overweight or obese.
•         Ilegal drug use is addictive and limits success.
•         Not getting enough sleep is harmful to health and learning.
•         Not practicing monogamous or safe sex can lead to STD’s including AIDS.

Knowing this information, why do people continue to smoke, overeat, take illegal drugs, miss out on sleep or practice unsafe sex?

Assume that you are writing magazine article, "The Five Most Important Steps to Maintaining Your Good Health." What ideas would you include in this article?

Share some of your intention statements for maintaining your good health.

I wish all of you good health! Marsha Fralick


  1. Knowing this information, why do people continue to smoke, overeat, take illegal drugs, miss out on sleep or practice unsafe sex?

    Because, as humans, we have a tendency to believe “it won’t happen to us”, “we are invincible”. Unfortunately this isn’t true and the decisions we make everyday impact our overall health. We only have one body but sometime when someone is under they influence they could make bad sexual decisions or try drugs they wouldn’t have otherwise. Our health should take priority over anything else but things like money and immediate gratification cause us to make rash decisions and engage in things even though we know they are bad for our health.

    Assume that you are writing magazine article, "The Five Most Important Steps to Maintaining Your Good Health." What ideas would you include in this article?

    I would say drink a lot of water and substitute it for other beverages, it’s a small sacrifice that makes a big difference. You’re cells work to keep you healthy and they are made up of like 90% water, feed your cells. Also, incorporate exercise into your everyday life. For example, take the stairs at the mall or at work. It’s also important to maintain good mental health, this means taking time for yourself and getting a good night’s sleep. Things like crosswords and Sudoku can keep your mind sharp as you age.


  2. Knowing this information, why do people continue to smoke, overeat, take illegal drugs, miss out on sleep or practice unsafe sex?

    People do these things for a variety of reasons. People continue to smoke because it is highly addictive and probably the hardest negative behavior to quit. Depending on your geographic location, smoking can be socially acceptable and even encouraged. It is also an environmental behavior that children pick up from their parents as they grow up.

    I dont think people overeating is as big of an issue of the lack of exercise that has run rampant throughout our culture. Most teens spend more time on the coach in playing video games or watching television instead of playing outside. Then as we get older, people feel as thought they do not have the time to workout regularly between their careers and families.

    Illegal drugs continue to be taken because people will always search for a way to escape their reality and alter their state of mind. It also doesnt help that the US government outlawed marijuana thanks to yellow journalism back in the 1920's and 30's, which has forced it into the hands of drug dealers that also happen to sell other substances that are much more harmful. Marijuana is not addictive, although it is habit forming. Recent studies have also proven there is no link to marijuana killing brain cells or causing cancer. In fact, a recent study has proven that an extract found in marijuana can cure many forms of aggressive cancers. Yet, it remains an illegal drug while hundreds of thousands of people die from cigarettes and alcohol every year.

    People dont get enough sleep because we have adopted this "you only live once" attitude. Why waste time sleeping when you could be out partying and being irresponsible?

    People dont praactice safe sex because many times they are too intoxicated to remember. Others do not like the way condoms feel and think that is more important than their long term health. And sometimes you just get caught up in the moment. It happens.

  3. Knowing this information, why do people continue to smoke, overeat, take illegal drugs, miss out on sleep or practice unsafe sex?
    I have asked the same question to people that practice some of this list above and the answers they gave me are, when I started smoking when I was a kid I thought it was cool and drugs gets me relaxed. Every time I ask someone this question I get the same answers over and over. Coming to a conclusion when people smoke at a young age they become dependent on nicotine if they don’t smoke they feel uncomfortable and something is missing and when they smoke they relax same as drugs they feel addicted to them. When people over eat it happens at a young age not exactly but when some people overeat it happens because the person is left out or feeling sad or depressed and that lead to people eating a lot.

  4. Knowing this information, why do people continue to smoke, overeat, take illegal drugs, miss out on sleep or practice unsafe sex ?

    In todays society some people contribute to acts such as unsafe sex and taking drugs. I feel that some people take drugs to experiment the feeling. For some people drugs is a way to also escape from stress or other situations that is going on. Also, some people feel that they will look cool or be with the in crowd by taking drugs. In reality drugs is a easy way to go down the wrong path. Some reasons why people overeat can contribute to how they feel. If a person feels sad they tend to eat up all their emotions. Also food can be comforting at the time. When it comes to unprotected sex, usually drinks are the main cause. For example at a party a person might have had to much to drink. Having a lot of drinks can cause temptation and sex is involved. It is a must for people to know the negative outcomes of situations like these.

  5. If I were the one writing the article, I would probably choose to focus on nutrition. While it is true that many of us, including myself, cannot afford to buy organic everything, we can watch grocery circulars for sales and buy good food when it is on sale. For example, I got some cucumbers for 37 cents each and some roma tomatoes for 69 cents a pound this week. I also bought some cabbage for 33 cents a pound, lettuce for 79 cents a head, and fresh green beans for 98 cents a pound. Baby carrots I can always get for 98 cents for a one pound bag. I have a friend who is very obese and she is always complaining about how "fat" she is, but the truth of the matter is that she refuses to learn how to cook, hates veggies, and buys fast food literally everyday for her dinner. She is not the only person I know who does this. She says she has no time to make her own dinner, but I have known many people who work as many hours as she does, and they make something healthy and yummy up ahead of time, and take it with them to work. I would recommend to keep plenty of fresh fruits in the house for snacking. I am on a low budget myself, so I just buy whatever is on sale. At Food 4 Less this week, I bought red delicious apples for 98 cents a pound, and navel oranges for cheap(I can't remember the price). Pears are also cheap right now. Purchase veggies that are on sale, and cook them with your dinner. Use pinterest, all recipes, and other fun sites to help you find dinner ideas. I never pay more than 1.99/lb for boneless skinless chicken breasts because somebody always has them on sale. It can be done! :)
    -Amy Allen

  6. one out of three americans is overwieght or obese\

    this is just shocking to find out just how many people are obese in the united states alone. i can relate to this because i am overwieght and need to lose weight so that i can continue to live a care free happy life. i am trying new things to lose wieght that i think could help a lot of people who are struggleing with trying to lose the weight. i am doing insanity and drinking more water then i used to and also going out for a walk is also good for the blood circulation in your legs. eating right has been a big chalenge for me because trying to switch from fast food to healthy food was hard.

  7. "The Five Most Important Steps to Maintaining Your Good Health."
    According to the CDC (Center for Disease and Prevention Center) more than one-third (35.7%)of the adult population are obese in America. Do YOU want to be just like any other fat person on this planet? No! You want to do something about your weight and become healthy. Here are FIVE important steps to maintaining good health.
    Step 1. What to eat?
    Fruits, vegetables, protein (chicken & fish), grains.
    Step 2. Limit your calorie intake.
    Step 3. Eat healthy snacks (fruits, nuts, etc) in between meals Ex. Breakfast. SNACK. Lunch. SNACK. Dinner.
    Step 4. Exercise 30-60 minutes a day (with Cardio at least 2 twice a week)
    Step 5. Do not eat before you sleep. Your quality of sleep will be poor, since your body will be trying to process the food you just ate. Eat a couple hours before you sleep to give your body time to absorb all the nutrients.
    These are FIVE easy steps to help YOU lose weight and become healthy.

  8. Assume that you are writing magazine article, "The Five Most Important Steps to Maintaining Your Good Health." What ideas would you include in this article?

    I know most people have the desire for their favorite chocolate bar, butter-covered lobster, chip with dip, ice cream, and bacon. These are all consider un-healthy food if overly consumed or even consumed at all. To keep a healthy eating habit focus on eating cleaner food. Rather than the having the traditional 3 meals a day, split your meals throughout the day and have smaller portions. Try not to skip breakfast at all cost. This is truly the most important meal of the day a many people abuse and often miss it on a daily bases. While sleeping you are not eating which means your body is fastening, thus leading to starvation over night. Once you wake up, your body will be wanting to consume the food to satify its need and energy will be produce so you can tackle on the day. Sure its a hassle making breakfast or skipping it to have more sleep but having a meal once you wake up needs to be a priority because it affects you throughout the whole day. Additional to not skipping breakfast, try not to skip a meal at all. Starving yourself usually leads to binge and over eating. Your body really reflects what you have been eating consistently and how hard you workout. Avoid eating out at restaurants and fast food as well. Buy your own groceries and make your own food in your kitchen. Not only will you save money but you will eat healthier as well. People sometimes eat when they are bored, to avoid this find a hobby or an activity that will keep you busy such as drawing or building something.

  9. Knowing this information, why do people continue to smoke, overeat, take illegal drugs, miss out on sleep or practice unsafe sex ?

    People continue to overeat, smoke and take drugs mostly because they are addicted. Some people overeat simply because they just don't care. Others can't control when they see something and they want it they will eat it.
    People continue to smoke because it reduces stress. They don't think about the consequences. A lot of people don't think they will get a disease or live shorter because of smoking, most don't want to think about what they are doing to themselves so they will avoid what will happen. A lot of people are addicted to smoking and feel as if they need to smoke to stay stable.
    People continue to do drugs because they might be addicted. A lot of people whom do illegal drugs don't care what happens to them, they don't know how to stop, they are surrounded by people who do those type of drugs.
    People continue to have unprotected sex simply because they don't think it will happen to them. They don't think they will get an std, & they don't think that "one time" will get them pregnant.

  10. As human beings we all have a tendency to try and reach for what ever treat has sugar, salt or fat, and for most of human history this was completely acceptable because food with a high amount of any of those things were difficult to attain. Now days we can’t drive down a street with out passing by at least one fast food restaurant where you can get your hands on an ample amount of these substances for a very low cost. The problem with this is all these substances are high in calories and in the form that we get them now days are not good for your health. So as Americans what can we do against this constant bombardment of fast food? The answer to this is quite simple though often difficult to accomplish, first eat right this is a very important part of living a healthy life. For example when your hungry instead of grabbing for those chips in the cupboard try going to the fridge to have a nice fresh apple. By doing this not only will you be getting some extra nutrients for the day but you will also be cutting out a potentially fattening snack. On top of good eating habits a healthy exercise regimen is important for two distinct reasons. First and foremost exercise promotes a healthy body which is essential to functioning well and remaining happy and healthy. The second thing that physical activity promotes is a healthy mind. By exercising you relieve stress and also improve self confidence both of these things are extremely beneficial to living a happy healthy life.

  11. Knowing this information, why do people continue to smoke, overeat, take illegal drugs, miss out on sleep or practice unsafe sex?

    Many people start smoke in their early age or they inherit this bad habit from their friends. Sometimes when you live in environment all people are smoking, you will tell to yourself ” I should share with them smoking ” also the smoker will not thing about damages or risks from the cigarettes some people they said we smoke because that help us when we are stress and have problems. They develop a mental dependency on cigarettes .Some smoker they said we are smoking when we watch TV and setting at home that part of enjoy in their live. Also some smoker they some because they are bored at home or single and the cigarettes became as friend for them in their live and the cigarettes became as a good friend in their lonely at home without thinking they are hurting their body . Cutting this Habit is so hard and became the most difficult thing in the smoker live, like taking something very important in the smoker live and make live without the smoker that that challenge is not easy, even if tell them you are hurt your body.

  12. It astounds me when I know someone who is overweight, complains about it and says they can't do anything about it, and the next thing I see them eat is a cupcake. Don't get me wrong, I love cupcakes too, but I hardly ever eat them. I can't speak for everybody when I say I feel disgusting when I eat too much junk food. It makes me feel like oil fat will ooze out of my skin. One time, I ate like half a cake and afterwards all I could think was "I need a shower". Overweight people must not have this feeling. Somehow they just take staying skinnier for granted and have no idea that it has to do with what you're eating. It's definitely harder for some people than others, like sometimes there will be a girl who is not fat, but slightly overweight in ballet. You notice that they work very hard, and wonder why they stay overweight. The dancing is really the only reason they are just overweight. While the dancing helps, it can't single handedly fend off constant sweets. My body is very precious to me. It should be because your body is what you have to live in for your whole life, so it should be how you want it to be. I occasionally eat pretty bad food, but I never do it to the point that I will be overweight, and even if I get injured so I can't dance, I will still work out. Everybody should treat their body with respect, otherwise it will fight back, and you won't enjoy it.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Knowing this information, why do people continue to smoke, overeat, take illegal drugs, miss out on sleep or practice unsafe sex? Many of people in this live they do not get enough sleep and that can effect in their live .also there are many of reasons why people do not get enough sleep. Often people do not get enough sleep because they work long hours and they are studying in the same time and that it has bad results on their health because our body and mental needs at least 8 hours sleep to be ready to start thing right and get information and make a good decisions .Also getting enough sleep helps our brain memory to be fresh to get information vary fast. Moreover not getting enough can cause weight gain by affecting the way our bodies process Poor sleepers you to eat more and you are more likely to be far, so are at bigger risk of high blood pressure and heart disease, which lead you to get heart attacks and strokes. Sleeping for less than six hours a night that can lead to increases the risk of dying from a heart attack or stroke, for these reasons we have to pay attention on sleeping hours because it can influence on our heath especially when we are studying and work at the same time.

  15. Humans are quite interesting when it comes to addictions, and whether or not these addictions happen to be something simple such as video games or as extreme as drug abuse, they establish a sense of pleasure that notifies the mind/body that it has to have more. On the subject of why people choose to do the things they do regardless of the consequences, it’s obvious that the craving for more of whatever the addiction may be is overwhelming and tends to overpower the angel on your shoulder telling you to quit while your ahead. For example, a good friend of my mother was a really heavy smoker, and her body was suffering dramatically from it. Her wheezing turned into heavy coughing, coughing turned into hospitalization, and eventually she was diagnosed with lung cancer. Regardless of the fact that she was literally on her death bead, the one thing she requested most was a cigarette. It appears that once the body gets a taste of something addictive, it constantly craves more until you do something about it. It’s taking control of the situation that is the hard part, and there is a large chance of relapse given the opportunity to obtain whatever the addiction was with ease. Nevertheless, I would say that the reasoning behind peoples continuous craving to remain doing things they know is wrong and only have diminishing returns is due to the fact that once you are exposed to something new, like the feeling, and eventually want more, it’s difficult to resist.

  16. Knowing this information, why do people continue to smoke, overeat, take illegal drugs, miss out on sleep or practice unsafe sex?

    People continue these lifestyle ways because it is difficult to get out of, it's an addiction. Twenty percent of people actually fight the addiction of smoking and stick to it, the rest continue on either because they are weak or they just dont care, pushing it off with an excuse for everything. Eating is another issue in which people consume more than they need or eat the not so healthiest food out there. why do the bad foods taste the greatest? Obesity is a large issue in this country becasue many dont watch what they eat, just eat whatever is in front of them. Many say, "oh, ill eat this today, then go to the gym tomorrrow or later that day," chances of this are rare. Why not eat right and excercise right to see results and become helthy and fit. when eating, it is best for you to distribute everything. Have a healthy brekfast so that you are full and satisfied, therefore not opening the fridge every ten minutes. Eat snacks such as fruits when you are feeling hungry. Throughout the day you should have about five meals that include the main courses and snacks. With eating right, it is best for you to also get a good rest of sleep for your brain to function the next day. Eight to nine hours is best depending on ones preference. But you can also over sleep which isnt good because this causes one to feel lazy and unmotivated to accomplish anything. Eat right, excercise, and respect your body.

  17. Knowing this information I believe people just have a hard time getting out of that lifestyle, because that’s what it is. As Dylan said most of that stuff is highly addictive and it’s very hard to break addictive habits. My dad drinks quite a bit, but it’s because his friends go to the bar a lot so he goes there too. It would be hard to break this habit because I guess he would have to get new friends. Now I know this isn’t true for all cases, like the fact that all my friends smoked in high school, I picked up the habit for a little while then I started feeling sick so I thought it would be a good time to quit so I did and most of them still smoke to this day. My grandma is 82 and she has been smoking since she was 18. she quit smoking a year ago about six months ago she started having health problems so she went to the doctor and he told her to start smoking again because her body needs it now after doing it for so long. I thought that was crazy. I don’t really have examples or explanations for the other situations though.

  18. Not practicing monogamous or safe sex can lead to STD’s including AIDS. . .

    Many people (younger and older) have a skewed perception of sex. It has become more of a common trend for both men and women to have casual sex with multiple partners. Movies and television shows have become more open with conversations and scenes based upon romantic relationships and sex. This raises the bar for entertainment. Directors can’t exactly base an entire t.v show about STD and HIV and expect to get the best ratings because they are not exactly “cool” factors that people want to hear about especially if they have been diagnosed with the disease. A sense of embarrassment can arise and cause people to disregard the situation and even pretend to forget about it. There are a few shows that deliberately try to advocate awareness about these diseases, but unfortunately a lot of young women and men are no exactly getting the hint. Yes, STDs and HIV are extremely dangerous diseases that need to be and can be prevented, but a person can also look at the moral side of relationships and intimacy. Divorce rates are extremely high in the United States alone, and abstaining from sex until marriage may not be such a bad thing. Yes, abstinence is one of the most difficult tasks that a person can commit to, but with divorce rates increasing, couples could possibly have something more to look forward to when they finally get married. Intimacy may be uneasy to talk about, but it is a big deal in romantic relationships and can ultimately be the one thing that has the ability to keep marriages together if sex is practiced with that one person.
    This idea will not only protect a marriage, but it can protect against STDs, AIDS, and HIV.

  19. Knowing this information, why do people continue to smoke, overeat, take illegal drugs, miss out on sleep or practice unsafe sex?

    I think it all comes down to the psychology behind it. I do not think that everyone is weak minded, has no self control, or are stupid, as some would describe them for engaging in the aforementioned activities. I think that it all has to do with cognitive dissonance. They are able to comfort themselves by creating a new perspective about what they are doing that is consistent with their actions. In other words, they justify what they are doing to alleviate the discomfort that comes from doing these things that they know are harmful or unhealthy. People practice cognitive dissonance because they do not want to give up whatever their habit may be, and they do not want to think about the truth of how detrimental their actions are. It is a form of denial, where they tweak their ideals, despite the fact that I do not think that they really believe themselves still. I think we are all guilty of this. We say things like, "It won't be me," or "Other people do it more, and they are just fine." I think we all find ways to make the actions that we know are wrong easier to do. We alter our views so that we can extinguish those true feelings of guilt, embarrassment, and shame.

  20. If I was writing an article, I would write about why it is so important to sleep. We don’t often think that lack of sleep can affect many things in a person’s life but it does. I know we often think that we can catch up on sleep and we’ll be fine but that’s not always the case. Our bodies were designed to sleep at a certain time and to wake up at a certain time. If a person is without enough sleep it could interfere with your brain. Research shows that mental performances are declined by 25 percent in every 24-hours. Research also shows that being awake for 24-hours can cause the same mental impairment as being drunk. Lack of sleep can also cause bad symptoms like irritability, depression, less energetic, harm to brain cells, increase stress, and risks of illnesses. Ways to help sleeping is to sleep at least eight to eight and a half hours, never eat a large meal before bedtime, avoid drinking caffeine before bed, go to bed at the same time and wake up at the same time, and lastly if you have trouble with sleeping try a quiet, dark, relaxing area where the temperature is to your liking.

  21. Knowing this information, why do people continue to smoke, overeat, take illegal drugs, miss out on sleep or practice unsafe sex?:

    I think people continue to smoke, overeat, take illegal drugs, miss out on sleep, and practice unsafe sex because they think "it won't happen to them." Most college students think they are invincible and they can do whatever they want and nothing will happen to them. College students are also under educated about these topics. Once people start on this lifestyle, it's hard to get out of it. Chain smokers have a hard time quitting because once they get addicted, they can't stop easily. Most of them have no initiative to quit either because at the time they have no problems. Most of the time they show up when it's too late to do anything about it.

  22. Knowing this information, why do people continue to smoke, overeat, take illegal drugs, miss out on sleep or practice unsafe sex?

    Many young people look are finally away from their homes/parents/guardians and we really experience new things and make choices for ourselves every day, Overeating is a personal problem, someone who is obese obviously has a problem that only they can fix, sure we can get support and help from others but in the end It's up to us to make a difference. As far as practicing unsafe sex, lets be honest their have been times where your really not thinking of wrapping up, Love is a very passionate emotion we feel. Now we can be responsible, you need to think of certain things like- Am I ready to take care of another human being for the next 18 years of my life? It is a pretty heavy responsibility. We all can make these choices but EVERYONE makes mistakes or there wouldn't be unsafe sex, smokers, or junkies. Drugs in my opinion are not bad... It's how you use them, I can count a couple fingers of drugs I have taken it will stay that way, but it was a learning experience and one of the best times I have ever had in my entire life, Im not gonna sit here and be scared of drugs, sure they are scary just don't abuse them.

  23. The Five Most Important Steps to Maintaining Your Good Health
    Living in today’s society, maintaining a healthy lifestyle can seem impossible. We are living in a society where instant gratification often overrides healthy choices. Obesity is taking over our generations, bad habits such as smoking or doing drugs are a normal part of life to many and not taking cautions that we are warned about shorten our lifespans. It is by no means easy to stay healthy when living in a society when it seems we don’t have time for anything. Still, it is important to take the extra time and do the extra work to get and stay healthy. It is worth it in the long run! Here are five steps to help you maintain your good health.
    1. Devise a daily routine that will allow you to get enough sleep, exercise and eat properly. It is extremely important to plan ahead.
    2. Eat a balanced diet. Get used to cooking meals instead of eating out. Make your own “fast food” by preparing make-ahead meals. It is also a good idea to count calories.
    3. Get out and exercise! Do whatever you have to do to make sure you do this. Some ideas are to help with this include: join a gym, get a work out buddy, get a physical trainer, or make a log of your progress.
    4. Make sure to take the time to relax. Learning relaxation techniques like focusing on your breathing can drastically reduce stress.
    5. If you haven’t started a bad habit, stay away from it. It is easier to abstain from something you haven’t experienced than to try to quit addicting behaviors. For those habits you know you need to get rid of, make a plan and do it. Make sure to get the proper help that you may need to be successful.
