- You just read the assigned chapter in economics and cannot remember what you read. It went in one ear and out the other.
- In your anatomy and physiology class, you are required to remember the scientific name for 100 different muscles in the body.
- You signed up for a philosophy class because it meets general education requirements. You are not interested in the class at all.
- You have a mid-term in your literature class and have to read 400 pages in one month.
- You must take American history to graduate from SDSU. You think that history is boring.
- You have been introduced to an important business contact and would like to remember his/her name.
- You are enrolled in an algebra class. You continually remind yourself that you have never been good at math. You don’t think that you will pass this class.
- You have noticed that your grandmother is becoming very forgetful. You want to do whatever is possible to keep your mind healthy as you age.
Monday, October 8, 2012
Chapter 7, Improving Memory and Reading, October 8-14
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2. In your anatomy and physiology class, you are required to remember the scientific name for 100 different muscles in the body.
ReplyDeleteI can totally relate to this situation because I’m in anatomy now and we are currently studying them muscles. Not only do I need to know the names of the muscles, be able to identify them, and spell them, I also have to memorize the origin, the insertion and the action of each muscle. It’s important to connect the root of the scientific name to another, more commonly used word. That’s what helps me anyways. For example, have you ever heard of a Plantar’s wart? Well I have and I know its located on the bottom of the foot. Knowing that little bit of background info helps me remember that the plantaris muscle runs along the bottom of the foot.
7. You are enrolled in an algebra class. You continually remind yourself that you have never been good at math. You don’t think that you will pass this class.
Another situation I can relate to. Math is probably my worst subject, in reality. But I try an approach it with a positive attitude when I’m taking a new math class. I try and use positive self-talk rather than negative. I try and just speak it into reality. If you are always talking about how hard something is or how bad you are at something you’re more likely to give up and give in to your own doubts.
7. You are enrolled in an algebra class. You continually remind yourself that you have never been good at math. You don't think you will pass this class.
ReplyDeleteI can relate to this topic because math has been my worst subject. I have struggled with math ever since i was little. I put myself down from this instead of trying to think positive like i should. When it comes to other subjects i can concentrate but with math it is a different story. However, there are times when i feel good about myself when i score well on some quizzes. I know that math will be one of my biggest roadblocks so i must find ways on improving this situation.
8. You have notice that your grandmother is becoming very forgetful. You want to do whatever is possible to keep your mind healthy as you age.
I can relate to this situation because my grandma has the early stages of alzheimer's. It is hard to see her at times forget the simple things but i know for this situation i have to stay positive and remember everything i do is for her. I still ask my grandma to tell me stories about when she was younger and her struggles that she had to face at one point. My grandma is one of my biggest motivations and keeps me going. I feel relief at some points when my grandma does remember some things . It is a bigger relief that she still knows who i am .
6. You have been introduced to an important business contact and would like to remember his/her name.
ReplyDeleteIf you would like to remember a person's name, I have found it helpful to, instead of just saying "Nice to meet you", to include the person's name; "Nice to meet you, John." Saying the name aloud helps us to actually learn the name instead of just hearing it and instantly forgetting it. Also, as we learned in the reading, making an association with the person's name will also help us to remember it. So, for example, you could think "His name is John, just like my Uncle John."
3. You signed up for a philosophy class because it meets general education requirements. You are not interested in the class at all.
In this scenario, you could use the memory technique of Develop an Interest. As the text says, attitude impacts our memory, and we remember what interests us. Even if you are in a class that is not your favorite subject in particular, if you go into the class with a prejudice against the subject, it will be hard for you to really embrace the material and learn it as well as you could if you did not have your prejudice. There is something to be learned from every class, no matter how dry or boring it may seem to you. If nothing else, it can teach you how to endure and can improve your study skills. I am thinking specifically of a statistics class I took in summer of 2011. The class was very challenging. In my class were some young ladies who did not enjoy the class. They constantly complained how boring the class was and how they did not understand the material, and also complained about the instructor. They were playing the victim big time. Truth be told, they just were not liking the class. The instructor was more than open to any questions students had about problems. These young ladies' attitudes were obstacles to their success.
-Amy Allen
In your anatomy and physiology class, you are required to remember the scientific name for 100 different muscles in the body.
ReplyDeleteOh wow I would hate my life for a little bit, but that's the wrong approach! I would try really really hard to think of it as becoming a more sophisticated person. For one, I'm sure it would be reduced to at least 85 or less, because I already know a bunch of muscles. For the rest, I would have to say each name out loud while pointing to where it is on my body. In a week or two, doing this through each day, I could probably remember them all or almost all of them pretty well.
You must take American history to graduate from SDSU. You think that history is boring.
I'm using an unlisted technique for this class next semester actually. That's why I chose it. There is a new video game coming out where you are an assassin with a fictional story, but you are thrown into a very accurate portrayal of the American Revolution. The developers recreated 1 to 3 scale models of New York and Boston from the late 1700s. That means if the character in the game was life size, he could potentially roam 33% of NY or Boston. The history and everything that happens around you is accurate with history (boston tea party, bunker hill etc.). For me this is amazing. It makes the history class so much more interesting because I can go home and jump into where we are on the timeline, and be a part of the history. The story line will also help me remember names. Again my solution is to find a way to enjoy it, then you will think about it even if you're not actively studying.
1. You just read the assigned chapter in economics and cannot remember what you read. It went in one ear and out the other.
ReplyDeleteInstead of just reading the text and trying to remember everything out if it, you should employ strategies to assist in memorization. I dont think previewing the text is that important personally, however i have used other techniques described in the chapter that i have found useful in the past. Highlighting or writing in the margins of the textbook to identify important points for review later can be extremely helpful. After finishing the chapter, you should go back and review the things you have identified as important. Come back in about an hour or so and review them again. The more you review the important parts of the text,the more likely you are to remember them.
4. You have a mid-term in your literature class and have to read 400 pages in one month.
Break the text up into smaller sections and treat each as an individual chapter. Use the techniques i outlined above for each individual section. It is much easier to remember smaller bits of information than the entirety of it. Try to do like 4 100 page sections and do a section a week. Make sure you take a couple minutes every week to review the previous sections so that you dont forget the older information and you should be fine.
8. You have noticed that your grandmother is becoming very forgetful. You want to do whatever is possible to keep your mind healthy as you age.
ReplyDeleteI am going to do everything I can to keep my brain challenged. I think doing crossword puzzles and sudokus regularly each week is a great start. It is a great way to use your problem solving skills. I also want to continue to write music, poetry, and books. Creating these stories will make me search deeper in myself to be original. This is a way to keep me healthy because I have to build something from the ground up mentally. It takes a lot of deep thought and contemplation, it is a process of trial and error as well. I know that I need to stay active and exercise if I want to keep my brain healthy, just like every other part of me. I need that oxygen and extra stimulation. Last, but not least I want to read a lot of non-fiction books as well as articles that can be found every day on the internet. There is limitless knowledge that can be obtained and by never giving up on searching for it I will keep my brain active. If i try to add more and more to my repertoire I will continue to keep my brain healthy and very active.
7. You are enrolled in an algebra class. You continually remind yourself that you have never been good at math. You don’t think that you will pass this class.
This was me my first semester. Math has always been the course I am the weakest in. I would tell myself that I was not good at math, I did not understand anything, and that I was not going to pass the class. I ended up dropping it because I did not do well, which I later realized was on account of my attitude towards it. When I retook it I had a whole new outlook. I told myself that I could do this. All I needed to do was stay positive and tell myself that I can do it. I noticed right away that I was paying more attention in class and not letting my internal voice distract me from the material, and put me down. I then found that the material made a lot more sense to me. It didn't feel like impossible equations and an alien language anymore. It made sense finally because I told myself I could make sense of it. I kept a positive attitude which actually allowed me to understand things and break them down easier. I ended up passing the class with a B and math did not seem so bad anymore.
1.You just read the assigned chapter in economics and cannot remember what you read. It went in one ear and out the other.
ReplyDelete-This usually happens to me, especially if it is something i'm not interested in. But some ways to remember what you just read are, after you read a couple of chapters, write down on a piece of paper a summary of what you just read.
- scanning before you read will also better help you understand what you are about to read and will better help you understand the text.
- Pay attention to the important picture it is proving, highlighting and writing down quick notes will also help you to look back and review the importance of the text.
7. You are enrolled in an algebra class. You continually remind yourself that you have never been good at math. You don’t think that you will pass this class.
If you do not go into things with a positive attitude then you will always have that doubt in your head which will always almost mess up what your trying to do good at. it's all in your head. Having confidence and thinking that you will do good will set your mind in a more ease and will make you want to do even better.
You just read the assigned chapter in economics and cannot remember what you read. It went in one ear and out the other.
ReplyDeleteIn general, many factors effect in a human's brain to forget what they learned or read. In this point, reviewing is a very important thing to do and it helps the student to remember the information that he\she studied. Also, practice is a vast factor to lead the student to remember. For me, reviewing and practicing are a very good technique that i use when i am studying.
You have a mid-term in your literature class and have to read 400 pages in one month.
generally, the subject looks so scary because it has 400 pages and the time is limited for just one month. Therefor, I should take some steps in order to catch everything so i can get a good grade in it. Then, I would make a plan of how i can study and learn all that in a month. Now this is how I am going to do my plan. First, I brake the subject into small pieces and take the main points. Second, I would start to study the theme that i have and make sure to take a break for a little then go back to work again.
6. When I meet new people that I am going to need to remember, I always try to say their name aloud about 3 times. I also try to talk to them more after learning their name and calling them their name as many times as I can so I can remember the names of that important contact. I also try to remember their face so that later or something unique about their appearance so I can tie that into remembering their name as well. Remembering something physically of them will help me remember their name out the blue when I come in contact with them physically again.
ReplyDelete7. I need to take another math course and I know that I am not that great in math so this really is a challenge for me. This challenge will be greatly improved this year since I will use the memorizing techniques that I am learning through this course. I will recite the formulas often and write them on flash cards to review them daily. I will also try to do more work than asked as well as take better notes to excel in the course as well.
2.) what i would do to remember all 100 muscles is make some flash cards and study them every day. saying all the muscles out loud will help me to memorize them better than just looking at them, then i would write all the muscles down in order to also memorize them better. study them at least for 4 hours to have them down flat and then a couple minutes before the test just pull out the note cards and study them to make sure you have a clear understanding of them.
ReplyDelete7.) not being good at math doesn't mean that your going to fail the class, telling you're self over and over will just make it so you feel negative about class and that can lead you to fail because of your negative mindset. even though your bad at math their is always a time to get better and after a while of practice you start to get the hang of it and do really well in math.
1.You just read the assigned chapter in economics and cannot remember what you read. It went in one ear and out the other.
ReplyDeleteIf someone doesn’t remember what they read a good idea to know what you just read is skim through the chapter again and pinpoint the main ideas or look what is important because if you skim through the chapter you will know some details.
2.In your anatomy and physiology class, you are required to remember the scientific name for 100 different muscles in the body.
A good way for me to remember a lot of names is flash cards if someone uses flash cards and study each flash card for couple minutes it is easy to remember most of them, or you could say each name loud couple of times while studying. The way I remember a lot of names is I use acronyms I make the names very short like the ones stated in chapter 7
You just read the assigned chapter in economics and cannot remember what you read. It went in one ear and out the other.
ReplyDeleteThis subject is very known in our lives especially students often feel cannot remember what you read and the best ways to avoid it are study the form through stages and not at the same time, eat healthy food provides a healthy mind , a period sufficient sleep is very important for a sense of activity. Finally not forget to write some important notes to be reviewed quickly.
You have noticed that your grandmother is becoming very forgetful. You want to do whatever is possible to keep your mind healthy as you age.
Certainly I'll do my best to avoid forgetful through continuing several steps for example, extends to learn new skills over the stages of my life in the sense I'm trying to learn new ways always and do not mental on things unchanged. Use my senses is very important to the evolution of memory and the survival of the most accurate details to keep it in our mind. If we study a new topic should not study it at the same time, but divided on the parts and then revised after several days to ensure are keep in our mind for long periods of time.
6. You have been introduced to an important business contact and would like to remember his/her name.
ReplyDeleteWhen I have to remember an important name I always repeat the name in my head. I look at the persons face and try to remember what the person looks like. I always have the person repeat their name to me once or more times. I also always analyze the person features and what they are saying so that it helps me remember who and what the person’s names are. So far this technique hasn’t let me down I’m pretty good with remembering names.
8. You have noticed that your grandmother is becoming very forgetful. You want to do whatever is possible to keep your mind healthy as you age.
I can relate because my grandma seems to be becoming very forgetful lately. It’s a sad thing to have to see your loved one forget the simplest things. I don’t want to be forgetful as I get older I want to remember as much as I can for as long as I live. I plan to do that by drawing, interacting with new people, writing, and reading. I hope these mind strengthening exercises help me to remember and not to forget
7. If I had to take a class and I didn't think I was going to pass it, I would stop and start to think positively about the class. If I think I am going to fail, I probably will fail. I if think I am going to pass the class, I have a better change of passing. I would just need to work extra hard in the class and put a lot of my time and effort into it.
ReplyDelete8. If I noticed my grandma was become very forgetful, I would do my best to try to help her. I would give her games to play that would help the brain and make it stronger.
1.You just read the assigned chapter in economics and cannot remember what you read. It went in one ear and out the other.
ReplyDeleteThis happens to many of us and i would advise that you first skim through the chapter first so that you are aware of what is important. When this happens to me, i make sure i read something until i understand it, even if it takes re reading the paragraph two or three times. high lighting when reading is a great method, highlight the important ideas so that it is easier to catch and review later.
4. You have a mid-term in your literature class and have to read 400 pages in one month.
I would advise someone break down the book in chapters and read a chapter a day or every other day. i would also suggest that they begin early because reading can be easily set off. while reading, they should write notes on each page so they could get a better understanding of it. Looking up a word you dont know, and underlining key points will help better understand what they are reading.
6. I have never really been that good with names so this question is good for me. If I were introduced to an important business contact I would listen to his or her name say it three times in my head and then say, "It's nice to meet you (and they're name)". It seems like the more you say their name the least likely you are to forget it. There was one time I couldn't remember this girls name in high school so I tried this trick and it worked. My dad is the person who originally showed me this trick so I thought it was funny that it was in this chapter.
ReplyDelete8. I was actually talking about this with my girlfriend today. If my grandma was starting to get forgetful I would tell her to read, do puzzles, or draw. I would explain to her that it is very important to challenge your brain so that it stays healthy. I’m fortunate to be good at fixing stuff and I love to sketch and read so hopefully I won’t have these problems. I think it would be really cool to go to the zoo or to Balboa Park and sketch for the day or to just have old cars to fix up in retirement that would be really fun.
In your anatomy and physiology class, you are required to remember the scientific name for 100 different muscles in the body.
ReplyDeleteWhat I have done for previous anatomy and physiology classes is to put terms into groups of about five to seven. For example, I would but the arm muscles into a group (tricep, bicep, deltoid, forearm, etc.) Then I would label it “arm group,” or “group 1.” The best way to remember them is if you are the one that thinks of a creative way to remember them; especially if you associate it with yourself, or give it a creative or dirty link. Moreover, practice and review them a little each or every day, the more one review and goes over the material, the easier it is to be retrieved from your LTM.
You must take American history to graduate from SDSU. You think that history is boring.
I find history boring to an extent, unless a teacher makes it interesting or fun. Although, if I am studying about prehistoric history or anything that interests me, I would be intrigued to learn about it; and anything else associated with it. However, If I took the “boring” History class, I would take down notes, and remember the key events and impacts about the certain event. It is very hard for humans to remember numbers (dates) and names, so having an understanding of the event is more practical. Of course I would go over both the names and dates for a clearer understanding, and with more review I would get use to a date or name.
The first thing I would do would be to skim over the chapter only paying attention to words put in bold and main topics. After I do the skimming I will read the chapter in depth reading aloud any topics I wish to remember, even taking notes if necessary. While I read I will make certain to pay special attention to main points and things that I believe will be on the test. After I have finished my in depth reading I will review all my notes that I have taken, then I will take a break and skim over the chapter one last time before I conclude my studying. By the time I have accomplished all of these steps the chapter will most likely have been committed to my long term memory and only minimal refreshment will be needed before I take the test on the chapter.
ReplyDelete4. You have a mid-term in your literature class and have to read 400 pages in one month.
ReplyDeletePersonally I enjoy reading it is won of the small joys that I find in life, so what I would do in this situation is slightly contrary to the chapters advice, instead of breaking the book into parts and reading forty pages every day until the reading is accomplished, I would most likely read the book in one go maybe taking two days at the most. While I read the book I will make sure to make notes of important parts and major scene shifts in order to better understand the book. I will probably review the book a few times before the exam by skimming over various chapters. A few days before the exam I would probably review my notes and do an in depth reading of main points and scene shifts found in the book. By then I should be completely prepared for the exam.
In your anatomy and physiology class, you are required to remember the scientific name for 100 different muscles in the body.
ReplyDeleteAnatomy and physiology takes a lot of time because he studied very hard because it has many of the branches. Add that he has a lot of scientific names that must be saved exactly as it is and whatever the issue must be studied and save all and crisp detail. For these reasons, it is required to remember the scientific name for 100 different muscles in the body.
You have a mid-term in your literature class and have to read 400 pages in one month.
The problem is many pages and the countdown began, it still of the month for the exam and we have 400 pages. Therefore, we should make a plan to divide the month to study and make summary which explain article without effort. In addition, if we divided our time correctly will be able to read all the pages and revised, as well as taking breaks. Everything with planning will be completed successfully.
you have a midterm in your literature class and have to read 400 pages in one month.
ReplyDeleteProcrastination is a lethal disease that plagues students when it comes down to studying. Because our tests or quizzes aren't until the next month, we take all that time for granted. When a date is set for a test, you must plan accordingly. Studying over time is better than cramming all the information in last minute and trying to regurgitate it back out. You need to let the information marinate and soothe in. If i was given a 400 page assignment to read, I would split those up weekly; 100 a week. It's a lot better cramming last minute information.
You just read the assigned chapter in economics and cannot remember what you read. It went in one ear and out the other.
In this situation I was make up mnemonics, acronyms, songs, or anything that will help me remember certain things. For econ, a lot of information is given however it can be really dreadful to all the non fascinating information. For example: supply and demand. To make it fun you can say "My last toy is limited edition and there's one left. Because it is limited and not much of it around me then I can sell it for a higher price."
-Dorian Cao
You are enrolled in an algebra class. You continually remind yourself that you have never been good at math. You don’t think that you will pass this class.
ReplyDeleteUsing Acronyms would help to remember the formulas. This short cut will help to relate the formulas to everyday life. One could also use Acrostics. The steps to the different types of formulas could be used to make a small personal connection to the person that is trying to learn and remember the steps. Thinking positive in this subject as opposed to reminding yourself that you are not good at the subject will help. Positive thinking will help a person get through all of the hard work. Building an open opportunity for yourself will only help you get through a particular class.
Scenario 1:
ReplyDeleteIf I had read a challenging book in economy and forgot all that I have read, I would simple reread, recite, and review the material. I’m the kind of person who often has to retrace my steps when it comes to doing challenging things, and rarely get it 100% the first time around. In order for me to completely comprehend anything difficult that I read, I have to take lots of notes, ask plenty of questions, and do additional research. All these things (I feel) make a huge difference in the process of fully understanding newly obtained information, and are crucial to future success in school (and even life in general).
Scenario 7:
I’ve never been a math kind of guy. To be honest, the math is one of the hardest subjects for me to fathom. However, if I’m also the kind of person who takes advantage of every opportunity out there that will eliminate any chance of future failure (tutoring being the main resource). If I were in fear of failing my math class, I would simply speak with my professor to see what I can do to prevent such a tragedy, spend extra hour studying, and even find personal tutors that would give me one on one. I believe that there is always a way to correct your mistakes (in terms of failing a class), and you just have to truly want to prevent that from happening and make sure that you remind yourself that you are able to confront and face such a challenge, and ultimately eliminate any chance of failure.
4.You have a mid-term in your literature class and have to read 400 pages in one month.
ReplyDeleteThere would be two ways that I would approach this problem. The first way is to see how many chapters there are in the book. Lets say there is 15 chapers. Maybe you read a chapter every other day, and on the off day you spark notes the chapter or even overlook how other people think about it.The second way would be to Divide 400 by 30 and read a certain amount of pages a day.
5. You must take American history to graduate from SDSU. You think that history is boring.
Perhaps you may look at your ancestors and see if they were affected by any huge events that happedned through out our brief but extended history. If so you could look into the events and even sit down and talk with them about how they affected them at the time.
4. You have a mid-term in your literatre class and have to read 400 pages in one month.
ReplyDeleteIn this case, it is not only important to read the book, but also to reatain what you have read. I would first look at my calendar for the month and set aside time for this assignment on as many days as I can. From there, I would figure out how many chapter I need to read and thus how many chapter I need to read a day in order to finish the book before my mid-term is due. It is then important to remember to set aside time to review what you have read. It is best to do this immediately after and then often after that. From there, keep your schedule! When you finish, make sure to continue to review before the midterm.
3. You signed up for a philosophy class because it meets general education requirements. You are not interested in the class at all.
Haven't we all been in this situation? It is very important to make sure that you find something interesting in this class so that it helps you find success in the class. Since it is philosphy, I think the easiest way to do this is to think about how what you are learning relates to you or those around you. This is not only make it more interesting, but also help you to remember more in the class.