Remember to make 2 postings of at least 100 words each this week. You can comment on these scenarios using what you have read about learning styles and personality type, reply to other student's comments or write about anything related to college and career success.
1. You have just been assigned a 10 page term paper.
2. You have to study for a challenging math test.
3. You have to write up a lab report for a biology class. It incudes drawing of a frog you have just dissected.
4. You are taking a required course for your major and it is taught by only one professor. You dislike this professor.
5. You are taking a business class and have been assigned a group project to design a small business. It is worth 50% of your grade. One of the group members wants to control the group and the others seem to be rebelling.
6. You have signed up for an economics course and find it difficult to stay awake during the lecture.
7. You signed up for a philosophy course to meet a humanities requirement. The vocabulary in the course is unfamiliar.
8. As part of the final exam, you have to prepare a five minute presenation for your art history class.
2. You have to study for a challenging math test.
ReplyDeleteWhen it comes to studying i like to make sure i get into detail. Being the introvert type, i like to work either by myself pr a small study group. I feel if i work with a small group more people will listen to one another.When i have a test com in cup i like to use flashcards. Using flashcards help me prepare better for my test i am taking. Being Intrapersonal, i know what my challenges are and how to overcome them. Math is my least favorite subject but learning more about my type i know what things i can work on.
4. You are taking a required course for your major and its taught by only one professor. You dislike the professor. For example, if my professor was the judging type i would learn how to work with him/her. My results showed i am also an interpersonal type. Being an interpersonal type i would find ways to work around the professor. I would write down problems i don't understand and ask them to help. If i find a problem with their teaching ways, i would find different way to work around it.
Flashcards are great! My children use flashcards for school and they are so helpful for building skill as well as speed.
DeleteAnd you are wise for learning how to work with professors you do not particularly like. That is the real world. We have to do the same in jobs.
-Amy Allen
thank you ! and yes i agree with having to work with some people like that during work . It can be stressful but just remain positive.
Delete1. You have just been assigned a 10 page term paper:
ReplyDeleteAccording to the intelligence test, it said that I have an awareness of my personal strengths and challenges. I would space out the paper by days or weeks. For examples, a ten paper paper would take me two weeks to finish while writing 2-3 pages a day. This builds less stress and would help me target my focus upon that goal for the next two weeks. One of my weaknesses is procrastination. Fortunately, I am aware of the times that I slack on my work and I've learned how to control it and make good use of my time.
8. As part of the final exam, you have to prepare a five minute presentation for your art history class:
Familiarizing myself with the other students would be a good way to go about preparing for this type of scenario. According to the personality test, I work best with groups of people. Gathering with the other students and getting prepping for the presentation together would help build confidence in front of a crowd. This could also help with my final grade because I have built more of an interpersonal relationship with my classmates.
Well to be honest, 5 and 6 are really the only ones that seem trivial or challenging to me, so let's look at those. Reading through the others I kinda said "so what..." Sometimes you just have to deal.
ReplyDelete5: You are taking a business class and have been assigned a group project to design a small business. It is worth 50% of your grade. One of the group members wants to control the group and the others seem to be rebelling.
First thing I would do is get it organized. Step one is talk to the teacher and see if maybe you can split into a smaller group, but let's say the teacher says "no" because you need 6 or however many are in the group. I will do some quick thinking in my head and change my mood returning to the group. The only way to get everyone to cooperate is to take charge myself. I come back to my group with a structured, logical plan that no one can argue with, and pull the tyrannical student aside to tell him no one wants to do it his way, so this is the way we're going so everyone can get a grade. Whether he agrees or not, I become the new leader and we get the assignment turned in.
6: You have signed up for an economics course and find it difficult to stay awake during the lecture.
I suppose an easy fix would be to get to bed earlier, but say I am in class already trying to stay awake. My body responds well to... well anything. When I am trying to stay awake in class I will poke my hand a few times with my pencil, maybe change positions in my chair a few times, and get writing. With physical movement I can keep myself awake and pay at least more attention than if I'm border lining on dosing off.
You have just been assigned a 10 page term paper.
ReplyDeleteKnowing that prostration is one of my primary weaknesses I must avoid it all cost when it comes to an assignment like a 10 page paper. To prevent stress and worries I would not wait to the last minute to do my assignment but I should be consistent and spread the workload. For example: If I know a 10 paper needs to be completed in a week, I would either do one or two paragraphs a day or finish it early. That way, I would have time for edit and revising. If I wrote it all in the last minute,I will not do so well. After the assessment, I've noticed that I like things to be structured and assignments should be given a due date.
Delete2. You have to study for a challenging math test.
ReplyDeleteBeing an introvert, I must work alone in order to concentrate on studying. I try to avoid studying with a large group because people will grow dependent on another and chaos will come to be. I cannot see how studying in a large group can beat silence at the concentration game. I work best with silence and nothing but silence. Working with other people would be very distracting and would throw me off. I cannot study if I'm eating as well; or if anyone else around me. Silence and being alone suits best for me while studying for an upcoming test.Procrastination works the same way with tests. You should study everyday,bit by bit rather than saving it for a last minute review before the test start.
1. You have just been assigned a 10 page term paper.
ReplyDeleteThis situation is tailor made for me. My linguistic intelligence scored really high on the assessment test. I am the type of person who actually enjoys writing, so i could sit down, push play and random on my itunes, and knock out a 10 page paper in one sitting. If it was more of a research paper I would have to break it up into a logical order and make sure all my research was done before i sat down to write the paper. But once all the prep work is done, the actual task is easy for me.
2. You have to study for a challenging math test.
I am completely incapable of studying on my own. Even if i have to text back and forth with someone while studying, i cannot sit by myself and with a book and study. As an extrovert, i would try my best to get a group of people to meet up to study together. I would prefer it be in a public place with some background noise. Silence is uncomfortable to me. I have always been good at math so it would also help me learn if others had questions that i was able to answer.
#2. You have to study for a challenging math test.
ReplyDeleteA person who is a strong visual learner would do well to look over previous quizzes and materials where the math problems are written down. A good way to study for someone strong in an auditory learning style would be to practice problems while saying out loud how to do the problems. Teaching another person how to do the problems would also be a good method for the auditory learning style. A good kinesthetic or tactile way to study would be to re-copy your math notes. Also, it would be helpful work out some extra math problems for extra practice. As an introvert, I do not care for study groups, so I study by re-copying and studying my notes, doing some extra math problems, and going over the steps to solving problems in my head and on paper until I have mastered it.
4. You are taking a required course for your major and it is taught by only one professor. You dislike this professor.
I am the type of person who strongly believes that we determine our own success. Having an internal locus of control is very helpful in succeeding in college. Having a professor you dislike is no excuse to not do well in a class. Assuming that professor is a judging type, you would do well to show up to class on time, be prepared for class, and turn in neat work that follows instructions. You would also do well to not make excuses with that professor.
-Amy Allen
#4 you are taking a required course and you do not like the professor.
ReplyDeleteI believe that if you as a student are stuck in a situation such as this you have to stop and think, why do you not like the professor is the teaching style different would you prefer more class discussions, I the end it will most likely be due to conflicting personality and learning types. Once you know this you can attempt to see thing from the teachers point of view and if you are unable to do this try out some new learning habits. Maybe during the next class you take extra notes, or raise your hand and ask the professor to clarify a statement. Whatever it is, it is within your power to alter the situation for the better.
7. You signed up for a philosophy course to meet a humanities requirement. The vocabulary in the course is unfamiliar.
ReplyDeleteIf this scenario were to occur I would actually enjoy myself because I have a high linguistic intelligence I am very well versed in vocabulary despite this there are still many words I am not familiar with. When I hear a word that I do not know the meaning to I will often take note of it and when I get a chance I will either ask for assistance on deciphering the word or look up the definitions in a dictionary. If I was given vocabulary to learn it would be even easier because I could take the vocabulary sheet home and use Google which is often a valuable ally when it comes to succeeding in my home work.
I am very impressed with the amount of work that you do to help yourself outside of class. I am sure it shows in not only your grades but also in the way you speak. I think that I need to take some pointers from your response! While I am sometimes interested in learning vocabulary that I am unfamiliar with, often I try to just understand it within the context. If I still cannot figure it out after that, I may ask or look it up, but chances of me using or remembering the terms are slim. I think that if I took your advice, I would be much better versed in the English language.
DeleteYou have to study for a challenging math test.
ReplyDeleteBeing an Introvert does not mean that I do not like to study with some class mates.I prefer team work in my tasks, even in work issues. Sharing ideas and making up a good plan before start studying. I do not like to interrupt my thoughts series by eating food while studying because that will not make me focus on what I am doing.In addition, good lighting, quite room, and hot drinks are more important for concentricity.Almost no one can pass a test without truly studying and understanding the material.If I really want to get a good grade, I need to have thoroughly prepared myself for the content of the test far in advanced. I would take all the mini assignments (worksheets, study guides, etc.) from the class I am studying for and have them all at hand, if I study those I should pass my test.
You are taking a required course for your major and it is taught by only one professor. You dislike this professor.
There is really nothing I can do with that because I have to show respect to my teacher.Teachers are another group of adults in your life who can look out for you,guide you, and provide you with and adult perspective.Many are willing to answer questions,offer advice, and help with personal problems, but some teachers are not like that, they don't care about the student's feelings.In this situation,I would have to show the teacher how smart and good I am and not argue with her/him.However,when the student knows his/her learning style, they should do the best they can and move on even though the teacher gets upset with the student.In my opinion,I can not do any improvements in any of the subject I have unless if I can feel comfortable and happy with my teacher.
2. You have to study for a challenging math test
ReplyDeleteThe Logical-mathematical intelligence was my biggest weakness. I struggle with math because I am more of a writer. That being said, I need to go the extra mile to succeed. I would use all of the tools at my disposal. I would go see my teacher during all of his/her office hours so that I could ask all of the necessary questions and work with him/her one on one to really focus on the concepts. I require a lot repetition with math so I would also seek out a tutor who can work with me on everything I do not understand. To get a better understanding I would ask them to go step by step through their critical thinking process so that I can get an idea of how they see it since I struggle to make sense of it all. I would also ask them to give me multiple practice problems of the same concept so that I can actually practice through application. On account of my learning style and my preference for tactile learning I succeed more so when I actually apply the concepts. Simply hearing math through lectures and reading the book offers me no help whatsoever. If I do not work on the problems over and over again with new physical number I struggle to understand it at all. A lot of studying and repetition is important to my understanding.
7. You signed up for a philosophy course to meet a humanities requirement. The vocabulary in the course is unfamiliar.
As an extravert I would make sure to not waste the time in class that I have with the teacher. Meaning, I would not hesitate to ask questions about these terms that seemed difficult or convoluted. I always find that the teacher can explain things in a much simpler way than the book that allows for my better understanding. Their explanations are not so cut and dry like the book is and it seems I can grasp ideas better when discussing it with them face to face. I am also very competent linguistically and I try to relate things to previous etymology that I know which helps a lot. My existential intelligence is key here as well because I will take these words and apply them to concepts I already know and things in the real world. In doing so I can completely understand what it is the word means. It is only through application that I myself will be able to explain the function of the words. What I would also do is take all of the words that I did not understand and put them on to flashcards. I am not the strongest visual learner but I do see great benefits in it when dealing with terminology. After using flashcards and memorizing all of the definitions I would then have to go back to my existential approach and apply all of these new words I learned to real world events and other occurrences.
1.) you have just been assigned a 10 page term paper.
ReplyDeleteIf i was given this assignment what i would do is i would first free write to get all my ideas out on paper.Then i would take all the main points from the free write and list them to try to get detail to back up my support.Next come the structure of the body paragraphs, which then i would take and create some sort of blueprint to get ideas and start to write my first draft.I would read my first draft aloud so that i can hear any mistakes and see what i don't like and need to change.Then comes the second draft and it could be my final draft, unless i still see things that i could make better or change to my liking.Then after every thing i end up with my final draft that i will turn in to the teacher.
2.) study for a difficult math test
well i'm a visual and audio learner so, with that i would make some note cards and write information down because i also learn it better if i write it down. i would go over the note card one by one until i got them all correct then i would re-read every chapter that test covers.Afterwords i would take one or two problems from each section and do them over and over until i felt that i have mastered that section.
5. You are taking a business class and have been assigned a group project to design a small business. It is worth 50% of your grade. One of the group members wants to control the group and the others seem to be rebelling.
ReplyDeleteIf I was in that group I would probably find a solution that everyone agrees on one thing only so everyone would be satisfied, but if one person wants to control the whole group it would be difficult for all of us to get along especially when trying to agree with a solution to a problem. If thing don’t work out personally I would not like to be in that group or let that person leave and have someone that is interested in working with us.
4. You are taking a required course for your major and it is taught by only one professor. You dislike this professor.
There is nothing you could do in this kind of situation all you could do is try to find out why you dislike this teacher but you could also try to find something just to keep you comfortable for some time to get along with everyone. This actually happened to me in school for one semester I would not say which teacher it was because I don’t want to cause any trouble but he graded so hard that everyone didn’t even receive a solid B in his class but the whole time I stayed with the flow of the class just to go through it, I tried to understand the teacher but he changed his mood every time we do an assignment.
2. You have to study for a challenging math test.
ReplyDeleteBased on my personalty type ISFJ that's mean I am an Introverted person give me the option of working alone or with small groups. I like to discuss my methods in results and I like to help any one need some help because I am a good with math and like everyone to understand what I know by the simple ways. furthermore, I like to study at comfortable environment In terms of good lighting and group collaboration and organize all questions and solutions and daily observations in a good way. Well does not mind taking a break, drinking juice or water or coffee to increase focus and activity. Downright all these steps will lead to excellent testing.
4. You are taking a required course for your major and it is taught by only one professor. You dislike this professor.
I should try to be as friendly and nice as possible and Check out my tips to get on my professor's good side page. I may hate my professors guts, but I have to keep my feelings to myself and pretending to be friendly. I have to train myself to personal style of Professor because he's older than me and experienced, and I should train myself to accept the pattern of his personality, his approach, taught to understand the lessons comfortably and passed this stage of superiority. I wrote this way based on my personality type and from my own experience.
2. You have to study for a challenging math test
ReplyDeleteTaking a math test is like playing a video game. I am visual learner when i have a test I always use my outlines to review the lecture easily and quickly. these help to to avoid using textbook and help me to reduce time while i am working on test or quiz.Also i like to study in group of the student that will help me to understand. Take responsibility for studying. Attend class every day and take complete notes. Finally, the most important thing to me are using good study habits throughout the semester make it easier to study for tests.
5: You are taking a business class and have been assigned a group project to design a small business. It is worth 50% of your grade. One of the group members wants to control the group and the others seem to be rebelling.
I like to work at any project in a small group. This group called team work. The team work should work like bees all help to gather to finish all jobs before or on with excellent results. If I was in this group I will think to find any way that everyone agrees on one thing And if it does not succeed it is difficult to attempt collective action for this situation and then possible to ask the help of the employer or we change this anguish on the basis of the vote of the majority.
#4 If I was taking a class that was taught by one professor and I didn’t like the professor I would put my feelings aside so I can learn. I would show him/her that I can be respectful. I really wouldn’t have a choice but to try my hardest and pass the class. I would avoid getting in trouble and only talk to the teacher when I need help with the lessons. Also it’s a class that has to do with my major so I would have to deal with it if I want to end up a successful person.
ReplyDelete#7 If I signed up in a philosophy class to meet my humanity requirement and the vocabulary was unfamiliar to me I would talk to my teacher and explain to him/her and let them know I don’t understand the vocabulary. If that doesn’t work would look for the vocabulary in a dictionary. Finally if that doesn’t work and because I’m introvert I would gather a small group from class to help me understand more about the vocabulary and also maybe more about the class. Those are a few little things I would do to help with the vocabulary for that class.
2. You have to study for a challenging math test.
ReplyDeleteMath is my worst subject but actually I think learning more about the way I learn will help me find out how I can better my math skills. I tend to study best alone and in a quiet, comfortable setting. Studying by myself is what normally works for me but when it comes to classes that require a lot of memorization (like my anatomy class) it sometimes helps just to work with one other person so that we can quiz each other. I’m interpersonal so I have a good idea of what my strengths and weaknesses are and how I can use them to my advantage
4. You are taking a required course for your major and it is taught by only one professor. You dislike this professor.
I would put my feelings aside if I disliked the professor, he doesn’t care how I feel about him, so really I’m just doing a disservice to myself. I need to just do my best to learn from him and not wasting my time blaming him. I would try and take the initiative to use other resources since I know that he isn’t the best at getting his point across. I would recognize his type and hopefully learn how to do well in his class. I am an interpersonal type so it shouldn’t be hard to get on the professors good side since I’m able to communicate with them effectively. I would go to the professor’s office hours to get questions answered and some one-on-one help.
-Kristen Hooke
4. You are taking a required course for your major and it is taught by only one professor. You dislike this professor.
ReplyDeleteIn our reading, we learned about “psyching out the professor” which means to analyze the professors teaching and personality preferences. Our reading explained that this can be done within the first day of class by simply paying attention to what the professor requires or how they are instructing. If I notice that I dislike the only professor who is instructing a course that I need, this is crucial to helping me in the class. It is important to adapt to the professors teaching style. For example, if he is an introvert and does not let people discuss the material in class and I am an extravert who needs to talk in order to learn, it would be very important that I set up a study group outside of class.
#2 After taking the intelegence survey, my top trait came out to be Logical-mathematics. i really do enjoy math, and do well in that department. Being that i am more introvert, it says that we like to work on things alone but it all depends whether what we are needed to do. When a math exam is approaching and i need to study, i preferably study on my own until i need help with a certain problem. studying for a math test requires a lot of practicing of problems. i make sure to do all of the homework and practice many problems that are similiar to ones that will be on the exam. being a hands on learner, i have to pick up a pencil and write other than read and look over notes.
ReplyDelete#6 for some people, they learn best taking early classes that are from 9am to 12. In my case, that is extremely difficult for it will be tough to stay awake during lecture. i tend to sleep late, so i prefer taking courses that are in the afternoon and later where i will be able to give my full attention and focus during class. in my experience, i found that i am doing better this semester because all of my classes start in the afternoon and evening versus my previous classes which started early in the morning.
You have just been assigned a 10 page term paper:
ReplyDeleteBeing a perceiving type, I tend to procrastinate on work. However, if I had a 10 page term paper due, I would break it up into sections making it easier for myself. For example, I tend to break it up by doing part of my introduction and having a rough draft thesis because I like to change it and make it perfect. I then go on to the body paragraphs which I feel more comfortable writing about since it will be easier to write. The next day I will fix my thesis and do the other body paragraphs. The day after that I will have my final thesis, body paragraphs done, and work on my conclusion, followed by rereading and editing if needed.
As part of the final exam, you have to prepare a five minute presentation for your art history class:
I love to present and speak in the class. I have similar speech presentations for other classes and I always enjoy creating a powerpoint. I usually use pictures and few words to present to the class. For this scenario, I would do the same thing, by putting pieces of art or artists on a slide with few to no bullet points. I don’t go over my speech or make up one when I create the powerpoint because I feel comfortable and only put what I know in my presentations. I like to work on presentation on a daily basis (depending how long it is supposed to be).
Does anyone else hate this verification thing, It takes me like 10 trys to get the stupid thing right...
ReplyDeleteYes! haha But I seem to be getting a little better with it each time I post something.
Delete2. You have to study for a challenging math test.
ReplyDeleteMath is my hardest subject something i've always struggled with. Hopefully I had been paying a lot of attention in class in the first place and taking a lot of notes up until the test. I would get a group of class mates together to help me study and possibly someone who had already taken the class to help me better understand the work. I would have someone quiz me so i have a better idea of what to do on the class. Math being my hardest subject I would really need to review all my notes and try to focus really hard.
4. You are taking a required course for your major and it is taught by only one professor. You dislike this professor.
Not liking your professor is not something you can really get around. A wise person once told me just because you dont like someone doesnt mean you can't learn from them. I would work hard, study, take notes and do my best to do well and not give the teacher a reason to give me a hard time. In life you often have to deal with things and people you dont like but it is all a part of life that you have to work through.
1. You have just been assigned a 10-page term paper.
ReplyDeleteMy intelligence analysis concluded that one of my dominant traits is intrapersonal. Two things that I consider when committing to such a task (in relation to my intelligence traits) are awareness to personal strengths and challenges, and focusing/staying on track. I’m generally a decent writer and when it comes to doing papers, I usually like to identify where I stand. Whether I’m confident that the paper is going to be a walk through the park or serve as a tedious assignment, I find it important to acknowledge ahead of time how well I can write the paper. This personal process of mine is most likely where the “awareness” comes in. On the other hand, it’s just as important for me to be able to stay on task, even if I get a “lame” assignment. Regardless of what type of paper it is, I know that I need to do whatever I have to in order to get an A. So, if that means having to lock myself in a quiet room in order to be able to focus, so be it.
2. You have to study for a challenging math test.
Math has never been a personal strength of mine, so logic-mathematics is definitely not one of my traits. However, since I’m an introvert, I would find the quietest place possible (most likely the library) and study until I get it down. I have to be able to have peace and quiet in order study, as it’s nearly impossible for me to do so with a million other things going on (I get distracted from the simplest things). Regardless of math being one of my weaknesses, I’m still able to identify when/where I need help. Other than solo studying in a quiet place, I would probably have to scout a tutor in order to get that high grade. Nevertheless, I find it crucial to use your strengths (such as my “awareness to personal strengths and challenges) in order to pinpoint your drawbacks.
7. What I would do if I were in this situation is read ahead in the book and do research about the vocabulary. Most books have the most important parts of the chapter as key terms. This would hopefully solve that problem even though it is a little extra work. If that didn't work I would find a person that seems to be comprehending the text and doing well in the class and I would see if they would help me out or tutor me. I would try to study more with them because I think overall it would help me out.
ReplyDelete4. Unfortunately in a situation like this I think the only way to get it done is by toughing it out. I've been in a couple situations like this and that’s what I ended up having to do. It’s not always the easiest task but it takes will power. I think you could also reward yourself after every time you go to the class. This might make the class a little more pleasant. But, unfortunately in this case you just have to put your personal feelings aside and though it out in the sake of your education. That might not be the best way of doing it for other people but it has worked for me in the past.
ReplyDelete6. You have signed up for an economics course and find it difficult to stay awake during the lecture.
ReplyDeleteEveryone would agree that waking up early in the morning to go to school is not the easiest thing to do. Although that is not very easy I would have to say that I prefer taking classes in the morning better than I would in the afternoon. I find that I pay more attention in the morning more than I do In the afternoon, I figured that in the morning i pay more attention in the mornings despite me wanting to sleep and in the afternoons all I want to do is get home.
1. You have just been assigned a 10 page term paper.
I think the me being a very introvert person I'd probably go to the library, turn on my iPod, sit in that chair and write as much as I can until I'm done with my rough draft. Then I would go over my paper and fix any errors I may have. Then I would take my paper once it's fixed, to the writing center to get a second look at it. Then I'd go back and fix any errors that they may find. Then I'd turn it in. My only problem is that I am a procrastinator so I'd try and start it at least a week or two before its due.
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ReplyDelete2. You have to study for a challenging math test.
ReplyDeleteMy way for studying for math usually works. One way is to go through your old lessons, pick out problems that you have had trouble with, redo them, and check them. if they are wrong find out what you did wrong, understand it and do the problem once again until you can get it.
another way is to make flash cards, it is a good way to memorize them.
You have just been assigned a 10 page term paper.
A ten page paper will take a lot of work into it and it will take a lot of time. I always used to believe that everything will get done a lot faster than thinking realistically. If you are a procrastinator like me, it would be the smartest decision to start a lot farther in advance. So you don't get stressed out, you can two 2 paragraphs a day rather than 10. You will be spaced out, less stressed, and be able to work on it a lot more.
2. You have to study for a challenging math test.
ReplyDeleteI try to begin my studying the week before the test. First I complete a chapter review to test my knowledge and see what material I need to focus on to pass. I review my notes and clean them up, add color and highlight main points, underline or box important information, add sidenotes and examples, and add graphs and drawings to emphasize the point. Sometimes I need to make flashcards to rememeber information like formulas. Often I simply just need to rewrite a formula over and over again to remember it and I do say it aloud to hear the words and understand the pieces, like a sentence. It is imperative to review homework assignments and quizzes, because math exams will have problems dervied from the homework and quizzes, guaranteed. Also, it is important to review any application problems because they will provide the instructor with the answer as to whether or not you understand the usage of the material as applied to real-life situations and problems (for example, chemistry, physics, and astronomy based questions are application problems).
5. You are assigned a group project for a business class and one member wants to take control and the others are rebelling.
I would call the bossy person out and ask them if they want to run the group and the project. When that person says yes, I would immediately put it to a vote for the group if anyone wants him or her to be a candidate. When not many people vote for that person, it may be stated that he or she is not wanted for a leadership position and others may step forward so the group may decide. On the other hand, if enough people voted for that person that they feel entitled to the leadership position I would counter them to run the project and group myself and ask if anyone else felt they deserved a chance to explain why they should be considered as well. By nominating myself, I have opened the door for anyone else who seriously wanted to be considered but did not want to endure a confrontation. Because I need my learning style to be under my control for the most part, I will not endure another person trying to control the group if the group is not comfortable being put into that position; the tension would be too distracting for me to complete the task with the group in disorder or disagreement. Finally, if I am working with a person who will not budge I would try to compromise with them as much as possible and then explain to the professor the difficulties our group faced in working with this person. I would not ask to leave the group unless there was fighting involved, because the class is business and often in business people do not get along and the point of a group project is to learn to work together.